Techniques in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery PDF+VIDEO 2021 Price 15€
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Techniques in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery (2nd Edition) | 2021
By: Jeffrey A. Nerad
📚 1 Vol Set
📀 2 Video DVD | بیست ساعت فیلم
توضیحات کتاب:
🌸🌸 در این کتاب به سایر جراحی های پلاستیک نواحی اطراف چشم منجمله 💚بلفاروپلاستی بالا و پایین 💚لیفت ابرو و پیشانی و حتی بوتاکس و فیلر نیز پرداخته شده است.
🌸🌸 به همراه کتاب حدود 90 کلیپ فیلم کلیه تکنیکهای کتاب موجود است و جمعا حدود 20 ساعت فیلم دارد.
این کتاب برای جراحان پلاستیک، متخصصین پوست و ENT و آفتالمولوژیست ها بسیار کاربردی است
1 The Art of Surgical Technique, 1
2 Clinical Anatomy, 29
3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectropion, 93
4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion, 113
5 Diagnosis and Management of Misdirected
Eyelashes, 131
6 Involutional Periorbital Changes: Upper Eyelid
Dermatochalasis and Eyebrow Ptosis, 149
7 Aesthetic Surgery of the Periocular Region and
Face, 189
8 Evaluation and Treatment of the Patient with
Ptosis, 275
9 Abnormal Movements of the Face, 339
10 Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with
Tearing, 371
11 Diagnosis of Malignant and Benign Lid Lesions
Made Easy, 419
12 Eyelid Reconstruction, 465
13 Eyelid and Orbital Trauma, 505
14 Diagnostic Approach to the Patient with
Proptosis, 545
15 Surgical Approaches to the Orbit, 611
16 Enucleation, Evisceration, Exenteration, and Care
of the Eye Socket, 655
Video Contents
P1 Introduction to Techniques in Ophthalmic
Plastic Surgery, 2nd edition
1.1 Surgical Instruments: Using the Tools of Your
Trade Effectively
1.2 Sutures and Suturing Technique
2.1 Eyelid, Nasolacrimal, and Orbital Anatomy
3.1 The Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure
3.2 Ectropion Repair: Lateral Tarsal Strip and
Medial Spindle
3.3 Floppy Eyelid Syndrome: Pentagonal Wedge
3.4 Full Thickness Skin Grafting for Cicatricial
Ectropion Repair
4.1 Entropion Repair, Retractor Reinsertion, and
Lateral Tarsal Strip
4.2 Spastic Entropion Repair: Quickert Sutures
4.3 Tarsal Fracture Procedure
4.4 Cicatricial Entropion Mucous Membrane Graft
5.1 Misdirected Eyelashes: Wedge Resection Upper
6.1 Upper Blepharoplasty: Colorado Needle
6.2 Upper Blepharoplasty: CO2 Laser
6.3 Direct Browplasty: Temporal Direct and
Complete Direct
6.4 Midforehead Browplasty
7.1 Cosmetic Botox Injection
7.2 Filler Injection for Facial Rejuvenation
7.3 CO2 Laser Resurfacing
7.4 Lower Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty
7.5 Upper Blepharoplasty and Lower
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
7.6 Pretrichial Forehead Lift
7.7 Brow Ptosis: Transeyelid Endobrowplasty
7.8 Coronal Forehead Lift
8.1 Acquired Blepharoptosis: Levator Aponeurosis
8.2 Upper Blepharoplasty and Anterior Ptosis
8.3 Blepharoptosis Repair: Conjunctival Müller
Muscle Resection (CMMR)
8.4 Blepharoplasty and Conjunctival Müller Muscle
Resection (CMMR)
8.5 Frontalis Sling for Poor Function Congenital
8.6 Congenital Ptosis, Poor Function—Frontalis
Sling: Silicone Rod
8.7 Frontalis Sling Operation Using a Silicone Rod
Suspension for Apraxia of Eyelid Opening
8.8 Fascia Lata Sling: Congenital Ptosis Repair
9.1 Facial Spasms
9.2 Lateral Tarsorrhaphy
9.3 Medial Tarsorrhaphy
9.4 Eyelid Weight Implantation
9.5 Paralytic Ectropion, Facial Nerve Palsy: Cheek
Lift, Lateral Tarsal Strip, and Medial
10.1 Three-Snip Punctoplasty
10.2 Canaliculitis: Three-Snip Punctoplasty
10.3 Nasolacrimal Duct Probing
10.4 Nasolacrimal Duct Probing with Silicone Stent
10.5 Lacrimal Fistula Excision
10.6 External Dacryocystorhinostom
10.7 Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:
Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
10.8 Epiphora and Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:
Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
10.9 Canalicular Obstruction: Jones Tube Placement
10.10 Canalicular Tear (Dog Bite) Repair Using Mini
Monoka Stent
10.11 Dog Bite: Bicanalicular Repair Using Crawford
10.12 Canalicular Repair Using the Pigtail Probe
11.1 Chalazion Incision and Drainage
11.2 Eyelid Lesion Biopsy Techniques
11.3 Lid Lesion Quiz: Benign or Malignant?
12.1 Myocutaneous Advancement Flap: Lower Eyelid
12.2 Repair of Mohs Defect Using Split Thickness
Skin Graft
12.3 Mohs Excision Lower Eyelid Repair; Eyelid
Margin Repair
12.4 Primary Lid Margin Repair: Canthotomy and
12.5 Lower Eyelid Reconstruction Using the Tenzel Flap
12.6 Hughes Flap for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction
12.7 Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap Take Down
12.8 Melanoma Cheek Defect: Mustarde Flap Repair
12.9 Lid Reconstruction: Hughes Flap, Mustarde
Flap, Node Dissection
12.10 Median Forehead Flap Reconstruction for Basal
Cell Carcinoma
13.1 Eyelid Trauma: Upper Eyelid Margin Repair
13.2 Chainsaw Injury: Eyelid Laceration Repair
13.3 Blowout Fracture: Floor Repair With Implant
13.4 White-Eyed Blowout Fracture: Floor Repair
Without Implant
13.5 White-Eyed Blowout Fracture: Medial Wall
14.1 Proptosis
14.2 Upper Eyelid Recession for Thyroid Eye
15.1 Anterior Orbitotomy: Optic Nerve Sheath
15.2 Anterior Orbitotomy: Lacrimal Gland Biopsy
15.3 Anterior Orbitotomy: Lateral Dermoid Excision
15.4 Anterior Orbitotomy: Medial Dermoid Excision
15.5 Transconjunctival Anterior Orbitotomy: Orbital
Lipodermoid Excision
15.6 Anterior Orbitotomy Using Vertical Lid Split for
a Superior Orbital Mass
15.7 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Inorganic
Foreign Body
15.8 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Metallic
Foreign Body
15.9 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Sino-Orbital
15.10 Introduction to Endoscopic Orbital
Decompression and Deep Orbital Biopsy
15.11 Lacrimal Gland Tumor: Lateral Orbitotomy
15.12 Sphenoid Meningioma: Craniotomy for Orbital
Apex and Optic Canal Debulking
15.13 Eyebrow Craniotomy: Hemangioma of Superior
Orbital Fissure
15.14 Enlarging Vascular Lesion: Transcranial
15.15 Temporal Artery Biopsy
16.1 Blind Painful Eye: Phthisis; Enucleation with
MedPor Implant
16.2 Blind Painful Eye: Enucleation with MedPor Ball
Implant and Lateral Tarsal Strip
16.3 Blind Painful Eye: Evisceration
16.4 Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma with
Orbital Invasion: Exenteratio
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Techniques in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery (2nd Edition) | 2021
By: Jeffrey A. Nerad
📚 1 Vol Set
📀 2 Video DVD | بیست ساعت فیلم
توضیحات کتاب:
🌸🌸 در این کتاب به سایر جراحی های پلاستیک نواحی اطراف چشم منجمله 💚بلفاروپلاستی بالا و پایین 💚لیفت ابرو و پیشانی و حتی بوتاکس و فیلر نیز پرداخته شده است.
🌸🌸 به همراه کتاب حدود 90 کلیپ فیلم کلیه تکنیکهای کتاب موجود است و جمعا حدود 20 ساعت فیلم دارد.
این کتاب برای جراحان پلاستیک، متخصصین پوست و ENT و آفتالمولوژیست ها بسیار کاربردی است
1 The Art of Surgical Technique, 1
2 Clinical Anatomy, 29
3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectropion, 93
4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Entropion, 113
5 Diagnosis and Management of Misdirected
Eyelashes, 131
6 Involutional Periorbital Changes: Upper Eyelid
Dermatochalasis and Eyebrow Ptosis, 149
7 Aesthetic Surgery of the Periocular Region and
Face, 189
8 Evaluation and Treatment of the Patient with
Ptosis, 275
9 Abnormal Movements of the Face, 339
10 Diagnosis and Management of the Patient with
Tearing, 371
11 Diagnosis of Malignant and Benign Lid Lesions
Made Easy, 419
12 Eyelid Reconstruction, 465
13 Eyelid and Orbital Trauma, 505
14 Diagnostic Approach to the Patient with
Proptosis, 545
15 Surgical Approaches to the Orbit, 611
16 Enucleation, Evisceration, Exenteration, and Care
of the Eye Socket, 655
Video Contents
P1 Introduction to Techniques in Ophthalmic
Plastic Surgery, 2nd edition
1.1 Surgical Instruments: Using the Tools of Your
Trade Effectively
1.2 Sutures and Suturing Technique
2.1 Eyelid, Nasolacrimal, and Orbital Anatomy
3.1 The Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure
3.2 Ectropion Repair: Lateral Tarsal Strip and
Medial Spindle
3.3 Floppy Eyelid Syndrome: Pentagonal Wedge
3.4 Full Thickness Skin Grafting for Cicatricial
Ectropion Repair
4.1 Entropion Repair, Retractor Reinsertion, and
Lateral Tarsal Strip
4.2 Spastic Entropion Repair: Quickert Sutures
4.3 Tarsal Fracture Procedure
4.4 Cicatricial Entropion Mucous Membrane Graft
5.1 Misdirected Eyelashes: Wedge Resection Upper
6.1 Upper Blepharoplasty: Colorado Needle
6.2 Upper Blepharoplasty: CO2 Laser
6.3 Direct Browplasty: Temporal Direct and
Complete Direct
6.4 Midforehead Browplasty
7.1 Cosmetic Botox Injection
7.2 Filler Injection for Facial Rejuvenation
7.3 CO2 Laser Resurfacing
7.4 Lower Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty
7.5 Upper Blepharoplasty and Lower
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
7.6 Pretrichial Forehead Lift
7.7 Brow Ptosis: Transeyelid Endobrowplasty
7.8 Coronal Forehead Lift
8.1 Acquired Blepharoptosis: Levator Aponeurosis
8.2 Upper Blepharoplasty and Anterior Ptosis
8.3 Blepharoptosis Repair: Conjunctival Müller
Muscle Resection (CMMR)
8.4 Blepharoplasty and Conjunctival Müller Muscle
Resection (CMMR)
8.5 Frontalis Sling for Poor Function Congenital
8.6 Congenital Ptosis, Poor Function—Frontalis
Sling: Silicone Rod
8.7 Frontalis Sling Operation Using a Silicone Rod
Suspension for Apraxia of Eyelid Opening
8.8 Fascia Lata Sling: Congenital Ptosis Repair
9.1 Facial Spasms
9.2 Lateral Tarsorrhaphy
9.3 Medial Tarsorrhaphy
9.4 Eyelid Weight Implantation
9.5 Paralytic Ectropion, Facial Nerve Palsy: Cheek
Lift, Lateral Tarsal Strip, and Medial
10.1 Three-Snip Punctoplasty
10.2 Canaliculitis: Three-Snip Punctoplasty
10.3 Nasolacrimal Duct Probing
10.4 Nasolacrimal Duct Probing with Silicone Stent
10.5 Lacrimal Fistula Excision
10.6 External Dacryocystorhinostom
10.7 Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:
Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
10.8 Epiphora and Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:
Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
10.9 Canalicular Obstruction: Jones Tube Placement
10.10 Canalicular Tear (Dog Bite) Repair Using Mini
Monoka Stent
10.11 Dog Bite: Bicanalicular Repair Using Crawford
10.12 Canalicular Repair Using the Pigtail Probe
11.1 Chalazion Incision and Drainage
11.2 Eyelid Lesion Biopsy Techniques
11.3 Lid Lesion Quiz: Benign or Malignant?
12.1 Myocutaneous Advancement Flap: Lower Eyelid
12.2 Repair of Mohs Defect Using Split Thickness
Skin Graft
12.3 Mohs Excision Lower Eyelid Repair; Eyelid
Margin Repair
12.4 Primary Lid Margin Repair: Canthotomy and
12.5 Lower Eyelid Reconstruction Using the Tenzel Flap
12.6 Hughes Flap for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction
12.7 Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap Take Down
12.8 Melanoma Cheek Defect: Mustarde Flap Repair
12.9 Lid Reconstruction: Hughes Flap, Mustarde
Flap, Node Dissection
12.10 Median Forehead Flap Reconstruction for Basal
Cell Carcinoma
13.1 Eyelid Trauma: Upper Eyelid Margin Repair
13.2 Chainsaw Injury: Eyelid Laceration Repair
13.3 Blowout Fracture: Floor Repair With Implant
13.4 White-Eyed Blowout Fracture: Floor Repair
Without Implant
13.5 White-Eyed Blowout Fracture: Medial Wall
14.1 Proptosis
14.2 Upper Eyelid Recession for Thyroid Eye
15.1 Anterior Orbitotomy: Optic Nerve Sheath
15.2 Anterior Orbitotomy: Lacrimal Gland Biopsy
15.3 Anterior Orbitotomy: Lateral Dermoid Excision
15.4 Anterior Orbitotomy: Medial Dermoid Excision
15.5 Transconjunctival Anterior Orbitotomy: Orbital
Lipodermoid Excision
15.6 Anterior Orbitotomy Using Vertical Lid Split for
a Superior Orbital Mass
15.7 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Inorganic
Foreign Body
15.8 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Metallic
Foreign Body
15.9 Anterior Orbitotomy for Removal of Sino-Orbital
15.10 Introduction to Endoscopic Orbital
Decompression and Deep Orbital Biopsy
15.11 Lacrimal Gland Tumor: Lateral Orbitotomy
15.12 Sphenoid Meningioma: Craniotomy for Orbital
Apex and Optic Canal Debulking
15.13 Eyebrow Craniotomy: Hemangioma of Superior
Orbital Fissure
15.14 Enlarging Vascular Lesion: Transcranial
هیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.