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AIUM Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN) Ultrasound 2015-2020
تعداد DVD فیلم | 4 |
زبان محصول | English |
سری محصولات | AIUM |
مدت زمان فیلم | بیش از 32 ساعت فیلم |
❇️❇️ List of video:
🌓 Introduction
🌓 Basic Principles and Methodology of Obstetric Doppler Assessment
🌓 Overview of Arterial and Venous Doppler Obstetrics
🌓 Doppler Application in Fetal Growth Restriction
🌓 The Role of Doppler Assessment in Fetal Anemia and Hydrops
🌓 Doppler Application in Multiple Pregnancy
🌓 Introduction 00:45
🌓 The Many Faces of Endometriosis 37:16
🌓 Prenatal Ultrasound Abnormalities of the Chest
🌓 Interesting Cases: Fetal Abdomen
🌓 Prenatal Ultrasound Abnormalities of the Pelvis With Postnatal Correlation
🌓 Advanced Early Fetal Detailed Assessment- Cardiologist’s Approach
🌓 Beyond 2D Imaging- Doppler and other Tricks
🌓 Early Heart Screening- When and Why
🌓 Adnexal Masses in Pregnancy
🌓 Anomalies in the Late 1st Trimester
🌓 Just Images
🌓 3D Ultrasound of the Female Pelvis
🌓 Adnexal Masses
🌓 AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Obstetrical Ultrasound Examinations
🌓 Anomalies of the Fetal Gastrointestinal Tract
🌓 Bioeffects and Safety of Ultrasound
🌓 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy and Morbidly Adherent Placenta
🌓 Common Cardiac Abnormalities
🌓 Common Chromosomal Syndromes in the Second Trimester
🌓 Ectopic Pregnancy
🌓 Fetal Central Nervous System
🌓 Fetal Chest
🌓 Fetal Doppler Velocimetry
🌓 Fetal Face, Neck and Head
🌓 Fetal Growth Basic Concepts and Diagnostic Approaches
🌓 First Trimester Fetal Anatomic Assessment
🌓 First Trimester Fetal Genetic Analysis It is Not All About Down Syndrome
🌓 How to Evaluate the Patient with Pelvic Pain by Ultrasound
🌓 Medicolegal Issues Related to OBGYN Ultrasound
🌓 Placenta and Umbilical Cord
🌓 Prenatal Diagnosis of Skeletal Dysplasias
🌓 Principles of Sonography
🌓 Sonographic Evaluation of Early Pregnancy Loss
🌓 Sonographic Evaluation of the Maternal Uterine Cervix
🌓 Sonographic Screening Examination of the Fetal Heart
🌓 Sonography of the Normal Female Pelvis
🌓 The Fetal Genitourinary Tract
🌓 The Use of Ultrasound in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Bleeding
🌓 Three Dimensional Ultrasound in Obstetrics
🌓 Ultrasonography for Dating Pregnancies
🌓 Ultrasound Evaluation in the Infertile Female
🌓 Ultrasound in Twins
🌓 Work Safety. Ergonomics in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Preventing Injury in OBGYN Ultrasound Practice
🌓 AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Obstetric Ultrasound Examinations: Step-by-Step Video Tutorial
🌓 AIUM Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip
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