ASN Board Review Course & Update Video-Course 2019 Price 25€

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ASN Board Review Course & Update 2019

📀 3 Video DVD
⏰ 55 hours | 75 Video Files

Prices: contact us |
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The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Board Review Course & Update
(BRCU) focuses on key information needed to prepare for the ABIM Nephrology
Board certification and recertification examinations. ASN structures BRCU to
maximize participants’ readiness for these examinations.
BRCU is the best way to sharpen your knowledge and review key nephrology
concepts. Interactive case discussions are incorporated into lectures and panel
Q&A sessions to help provide a comprehensive and indispensable update for
practicing nephrologists. Each topic and its time allocation are patterned after the
ABIM nephrology examination, giving you the most efficient preparation.
Through this course, you will be able to interpret the fundamental concepts of
nephrology in the areas of:
• Kidney Function and Structure
• Sodium and Water Abnormalities
• Glomerular and Vascular
• Acid-Base and Potassium
• Tubular, Interstitial, and Cystic
• CKD and ESRD
• Hypertension
• AKI and ICU Nephrology
• Pharmacology
• Calcium, Phosphorus, and
Magnesium Disorders and Stones
• Bone and Mineral Metabolism
• Kidney Transplantation
You will also formulate diagnostic and therapeutic options for the management of
kidney diseases and test individual medical practice competence against a series of
simulated patient/case scenarios.
• Senior Nephrologists: Practicing nephrologists in all key areas of the specialty.
The course also benefits pediatric nephrologists, intensivists, and hospitalists.
• Board Examination Participants: Individuals are thoroughly prepared for
certification and recertification exams.
• Nephrology Fellows: Fellows seeking a detailed outline and discussion of
what their current fellowship program should include.
• FASN Candidates: The 65.25 CME credit hours earned at BRCU can be
applied toward the 70 hours required to qualify for FASN status.
• Exam-focused curricula, patterned after the ABIM blueprint
• Opportunity to interact with 30 expert faculty
• Interactive case-based studies
• “How to Study for the Boards; How to Approach a Board Question”
• Printed course books – three volumes with preliminary slides and references
• Complimentary online access to all lectures after the course (streaming media
and downloadable audio)
• Online practice exam with 300+ questions
• Up to 65.25 CME Credits and MOC Points
• Nephrology Board “Pearls of Wisdom” following the course to help focus studying

SATURDAY, JULY 20 8:15 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Assessment of Kidney Function and Structure
Live and online lectures will start with the basics of renal function and structure
exploring eGFR, CKD staging, urinalysis/urine microscopy, and imaging techniques
that are commonly used for diagnosis and management. These lectures will employ
cases and audience response questions to highlight board material.
• Board Review Warm-Up Sample Questions
• Urinalysis/Urine Microscopy: A Case-Based Approach
• Approach to the Interpretation of Proteinuria, Albuminuria, Hematuria, and
Urinary Sediment*
• Estimating GFR: From Physiology to Public Health*
• Imaging Cases in Nephrology
Tubulointerstitial Disorders and Nephrolithiasis
Experts will bring together disorders of the tubulointerstitial system in a way that
can enhance understanding.There will be a focus on drug toxicity, as well as the
pathogenesis and diagnosis of nephrolithiasis. Cases will provide realistic examples
to highlight board-relevant material.
• Nephrolithiasis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Medical Management
• Nephrolithiasis: Challenging Cases
• Nephrotoxins for the Boards
• Pregnancy and Kidney Disease
• Acute and Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
• Poisonings and Intoxications

Glomerular and Vascular Disorders

Engage in a rapid yet comprehensive review of the glomerular diseases as
explained by top experts in the field. We will streamline the pathology before
holding a lively, case-based discussion to solidify the knowledge you have
• Diabetic Nephropathy*
• Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Glomerular Injury
• Pathology of Glomerulonephritides
• Idiopathic and Primary Glomerulonephritides
• Secondary Glomerulonephritides and Vasculitis
• Viral Nephridities, Including HIV, CMV, and Hepatitis
• Diabetic Kidney Disease Board Cases
• Dysproteinemias, Amyloid, Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis, and Thrombotic
• Glomerulonephritides: Case-Based Workshops
• Onconephrology Board Cases

Potassium and Acid Base
7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Excellent educators will simplify these topics as we study the basics of potassium
and acid-base handling. Review the physiology before we challenge your skills with
audience response questions aimed to improve your understanding.
• Potassium: Physiological Principles, Hypokalemia, and Hyperkalemia*
• Acid-Base Disorders: Key Core Concepts*
• Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia
• Non-Anion Gap Acidosis
• Increased Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
• Metabolic Alkalosis
• Acid-Base Board Cases
• Genetic Renal Disease
Perturbations in the Distribution of the Body Fluid Compartments
and Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
Review the principles of sodium and water homeostasis and put your knowledge
to the test with some difficult case examples. Study the diseases of the interstitium
including acute and chronic conditions as well as some of the cystic disorders.
• John B. Stokes Memorial Lecture: Physiology of Volume Control and Sodium
• Acid-Base, Electrolyte, Genetics, and Nephrotoxin Cases for the Boards
• Relationship Between Sodium and Water: Principles of Hyponatremia and
• Case Discussions: Volume, Sodium, and Water Disorders
• How to Study for the Boards; How to Approach a Board Question
• Renal Cystic Disease Cases


Spend the day immersed in the challenges of the ESRD patient. Through physiology
lectures, updates on management, and challenging cases, engage your learning for
improved knowledge of our dialysis patients.
• How Dialysis Works: Physics/Physiology of Dialysis: The Basics Similarities, and
Differences Between PD and HD*
• Hemodialysis: Adequacy Metrics for Center HD and Frequent HD—What Are
the Targets and How Do We Standardize Them?*
• Cystic Kidney Disease: Inherited and Acquired*
• Principles of Drug Prescribing in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease*
• Common Medical Problems in the ESRD Patient
• CKD and ESRD: Sample Board Cases
• Dialysis Board Cases
• ESRD Vascular Access
• Dialysis: Cardiovascular and Blood Pressure Issues
• Peritoneal Dialysis: Clinical Approach to Blood Pressure and Volume Control
• Anemia, Metabolic Acidosis, and Hypertension in CKD
• Dialysis: HD/PD Adequacy Issues
• Peritoneal Dialysis: Infectious and Noninfectious Issues
• Hemodialysis: Selected Complications
• Board Review Cases


Revive your understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of the various
causes of hypertension. Experts will share knowledge on diagnosis and management
of challenging cases through discussion and audience response.
• Pathophysiology and Treatment of Essential Hypertension
• Secondary Hypertension: Clinical Syndromes, Diagnostic Workup, and
• Drug-Induced Hypertension
• Renal Artery Stenosis, Renovascular Hypertension, and Ischemic Nephropathy
• Hypertensive Urgencies and Emergencies: Clinical Presentations and Therapy
• Hypertension Case Discussions
AKI, ICU Nephrology, and Pharmacology
Live lectures, case studies, and audience-response questions will focus on the
prevention, diagnosis, and management of AKI. Various forms of acute renal
replacement therapy will be discussed along with other critical care nephrology
topics to solidify board relevant material.
• AKI: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Biomarkers, and Risk Assessment
• AKI: Prevention and Non-Dialytic Therapy
• Acute Renal Replacement Therapies
• Case Discussions: AKI and ICU Nephrology
THURSDAY, JULY 25 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Transplantation
Online lectures will review the physiology before joining experts in discussions on
the nuances of bone and mineral metabolism. Finish out the week with a focus on the
basics and complexities of transplant.
• Pathogenesis of Metabolic Bone Disease*
• Disorders of Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism*
• Magnesium: Normal Physiology, Hypomagnesemia, and Hypermagnesemia*
• Transplant Biopsy: Indications and Findings*
• Calcium/Phosphorus/PTH, Vitamin D, and FGF-23: Pathophysiology of
Metabolic Bone Disease
• Treatment of Metabolic Bone Disease
• Metabolic Bone Disease Cases
• Transplant Immunology
• Transplant Cases
• Post-Transplant Non-Infectious Complications
• Post-Transplant Infectious Complications
• Board Cases


ASN Board Review Course & Update 2019

📀 3 Video DVD
⏰ 55 hours | 75 Video Files

Prices: contact us |
IF your cource was not available in our archive, please request it via request form

How to Buy

Thanks For Choosing WWW.BAHARMEDBOOK.COM .

for buying materials from WWW.BAHARMEDBOOK.COM , Follow the instructions :

Step 1 : Contact us :




WhatsApp : +98 9123309803

Step 2 : Send Material You Want to Buy

Step 3 : You Will Receieve Payment Invoice

Step 4 : After Payment confirmation , You will Receive Download Link .

The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Board Review Course & Update
(BRCU) focuses on key information needed to prepare for the ABIM Nephrology
Board certification and recertification examinations. ASN structures BRCU to
maximize participants’ readiness for these examinations.
BRCU is the best way to sharpen your knowledge and review key nephrology
concepts. Interactive case discussions are incorporated into lectures and panel
Q&A sessions to help provide a comprehensive and indispensable update for
practicing nephrologists. Each topic and its time allocation are patterned after the
ABIM nephrology examination, giving you the most efficient preparation.
Through this course, you will be able to interpret the fundamental concepts of
nephrology in the areas of:
• Kidney Function and Structure
• Sodium and Water Abnormalities
• Glomerular and Vascular
• Acid-Base and Potassium
• Tubular, Interstitial, and Cystic
• CKD and ESRD
• Hypertension
• AKI and ICU Nephrology
• Pharmacology
• Calcium, Phosphorus, and
Magnesium Disorders and Stones
• Bone and Mineral Metabolism
• Kidney Transplantation
You will also formulate diagnostic and therapeutic options for the management of
kidney diseases and test individual medical practice competence against a series of
simulated patient/case scenarios.
• Senior Nephrologists: Practicing nephrologists in all key areas of the specialty.
The course also benefits pediatric nephrologists, intensivists, and hospitalists.
• Board Examination Participants: Individuals are thoroughly prepared for
certification and recertification exams.
• Nephrology Fellows: Fellows seeking a detailed outline and discussion of
what their current fellowship program should include.
• FASN Candidates: The 65.25 CME credit hours earned at BRCU can be
applied toward the 70 hours required to qualify for FASN status.
• Exam-focused curricula, patterned after the ABIM blueprint
• Opportunity to interact with 30 expert faculty
• Interactive case-based studies
• “How to Study for the Boards; How to Approach a Board Question”
• Printed course books – three volumes with preliminary slides and references
• Complimentary online access to all lectures after the course (streaming media
and downloadable audio)
• Online practice exam with 300+ questions
• Up to 65.25 CME Credits and MOC Points
• Nephrology Board “Pearls of Wisdom” following the course to help focus studying

SATURDAY, JULY 20 8:15 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Assessment of Kidney Function and Structure
Live and online lectures will start with the basics of renal function and structure
exploring eGFR, CKD staging, urinalysis/urine microscopy, and imaging techniques
that are commonly used for diagnosis and management. These lectures will employ
cases and audience response questions to highlight board material.
• Board Review Warm-Up Sample Questions
• Urinalysis/Urine Microscopy: A Case-Based Approach
• Approach to the Interpretation of Proteinuria, Albuminuria, Hematuria, and
Urinary Sediment*
• Estimating GFR: From Physiology to Public Health*
• Imaging Cases in Nephrology
Tubulointerstitial Disorders and Nephrolithiasis
Experts will bring together disorders of the tubulointerstitial system in a way that
can enhance understanding.There will be a focus on drug toxicity, as well as the
pathogenesis and diagnosis of nephrolithiasis. Cases will provide realistic examples
to highlight board-relevant material.
• Nephrolithiasis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Medical Management
• Nephrolithiasis: Challenging Cases
• Nephrotoxins for the Boards
• Pregnancy and Kidney Disease
• Acute and Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
• Poisonings and Intoxications

Glomerular and Vascular Disorders

Engage in a rapid yet comprehensive review of the glomerular diseases as
explained by top experts in the field. We will streamline the pathology before
holding a lively, case-based discussion to solidify the knowledge you have
• Diabetic Nephropathy*
• Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Glomerular Injury
• Pathology of Glomerulonephritides
• Idiopathic and Primary Glomerulonephritides
• Secondary Glomerulonephritides and Vasculitis
• Viral Nephridities, Including HIV, CMV, and Hepatitis
• Diabetic Kidney Disease Board Cases
• Dysproteinemias, Amyloid, Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis, and Thrombotic
• Glomerulonephritides: Case-Based Workshops
• Onconephrology Board Cases

Potassium and Acid Base
7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Excellent educators will simplify these topics as we study the basics of potassium
and acid-base handling. Review the physiology before we challenge your skills with
audience response questions aimed to improve your understanding.
• Potassium: Physiological Principles, Hypokalemia, and Hyperkalemia*
• Acid-Base Disorders: Key Core Concepts*
• Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia
• Non-Anion Gap Acidosis
• Increased Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
• Metabolic Alkalosis
• Acid-Base Board Cases
• Genetic Renal Disease
Perturbations in the Distribution of the Body Fluid Compartments
and Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
Review the principles of sodium and water homeostasis and put your knowledge
to the test with some difficult case examples. Study the diseases of the interstitium
including acute and chronic conditions as well as some of the cystic disorders.
• John B. Stokes Memorial Lecture: Physiology of Volume Control and Sodium
• Acid-Base, Electrolyte, Genetics, and Nephrotoxin Cases for the Boards
• Relationship Between Sodium and Water: Principles of Hyponatremia and
• Case Discussions: Volume, Sodium, and Water Disorders
• How to Study for the Boards; How to Approach a Board Question
• Renal Cystic Disease Cases


Spend the day immersed in the challenges of the ESRD patient. Through physiology
lectures, updates on management, and challenging cases, engage your learning for
improved knowledge of our dialysis patients.
• How Dialysis Works: Physics/Physiology of Dialysis: The Basics Similarities, and
Differences Between PD and HD*
• Hemodialysis: Adequacy Metrics for Center HD and Frequent HD—What Are
the Targets and How Do We Standardize Them?*
• Cystic Kidney Disease: Inherited and Acquired*
• Principles of Drug Prescribing in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease*
• Common Medical Problems in the ESRD Patient
• CKD and ESRD: Sample Board Cases
• Dialysis Board Cases
• ESRD Vascular Access
• Dialysis: Cardiovascular and Blood Pressure Issues
• Peritoneal Dialysis: Clinical Approach to Blood Pressure and Volume Control
• Anemia, Metabolic Acidosis, and Hypertension in CKD
• Dialysis: HD/PD Adequacy Issues
• Peritoneal Dialysis: Infectious and Noninfectious Issues
• Hemodialysis: Selected Complications
• Board Review Cases


Revive your understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of the various
causes of hypertension. Experts will share knowledge on diagnosis and management
of challenging cases through discussion and audience response.
• Pathophysiology and Treatment of Essential Hypertension
• Secondary Hypertension: Clinical Syndromes, Diagnostic Workup, and
• Drug-Induced Hypertension
• Renal Artery Stenosis, Renovascular Hypertension, and Ischemic Nephropathy
• Hypertensive Urgencies and Emergencies: Clinical Presentations and Therapy
• Hypertension Case Discussions
AKI, ICU Nephrology, and Pharmacology
Live lectures, case studies, and audience-response questions will focus on the
prevention, diagnosis, and management of AKI. Various forms of acute renal
replacement therapy will be discussed along with other critical care nephrology
topics to solidify board relevant material.
• AKI: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Biomarkers, and Risk Assessment
• AKI: Prevention and Non-Dialytic Therapy
• Acute Renal Replacement Therapies
• Case Discussions: AKI and ICU Nephrology
THURSDAY, JULY 25 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Transplantation
Online lectures will review the physiology before joining experts in discussions on
the nuances of bone and mineral metabolism. Finish out the week with a focus on the
basics and complexities of transplant.
• Pathogenesis of Metabolic Bone Disease*
• Disorders of Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism*
• Magnesium: Normal Physiology, Hypomagnesemia, and Hypermagnesemia*
• Transplant Biopsy: Indications and Findings*
• Calcium/Phosphorus/PTH, Vitamin D, and FGF-23: Pathophysiology of
Metabolic Bone Disease
• Treatment of Metabolic Bone Disease
• Metabolic Bone Disease Cases
• Transplant Immunology
• Transplant Cases
• Post-Transplant Non-Infectious Complications
• Post-Transplant Infectious Complications
• Board Cases

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