Gulfcoast OB Doppler – How Why and When? at 10€

270,000 تومان

Gulfcoast: OB Doppler – How, Why and When?



OB Doppler: How, Why, and When? Training Video is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of indications and applications of Doppler and color flow imaging in the OB examination. Doppler/color techniques and system optimization, protocols, and diagnostic criteria are covered in detail.


  • Indications/Applications for Performing OB Doppler
  • Doppler Waveform Analysis and Diagnostic Criteria
  • Factors that affect the Doppler Assessment
  • Doppler Measurements; Doppler Index, Resistive Index, S/D Ratio, Pulsatility Index, Velocity Calculations
  • Doppler Evaluation of the Middle Cerebral Artery, Umbilical Artery, Ductus Venosus, Umbilical Vein, IVC, Hepatic Veins
  • Doppler Evaluation of the Pelvic Vessels: Uterine Artery
  • Doppler Evaluation with Multiple Gestation
  • Doppler Evaluation of Fetal Heart Arrhythmias
  • Scanning Tips and Technical Pitfalls


  • State Doppler protocols and criteria for evaluation of IUGR, SGA, and Anomalies in the fetus
  • Outline Doppler protocols for evaluation of Twins/Multiples: TOPS vs TAPS
  • List technical components for proper Doppler acquisition: Angle of insonation, angle correction, gate size and position
  • Analyze Doppler waveforms and apply Doppler Measurements: Doppler index, S/D Ratio, PI, RI, velocity calculations
  • Optimize color Doppler and analyze color flow characteristics
  • Describe normal and abnormal waveforms of: Ductus venosus, IVC/hepatic veins, middle cerebral artery, umbilical artery, umbilical vein and uterine artery
  • State protocols for Doppler evaluation of fetal heart arrhythmias


Physicians, sonographers and other medical professionals who are involved with performing and/or interpreting OB ultrasound examinations. Physician participants may include (but is not limited to): obstetricians, family/primary care.

Price : € 10


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Step 4 : After Payment confirmation , You will Receive Download Link .

Prices: contact us |
IF your course was not available in our archive, please request it via request form

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 1
Total 165 Lectures
Each Video course is like 40-50-60-70 Minutes
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Abdomen and Primary Care Ultrasound
📍 Abdominal Scanning Fundamentals
📍 Introduction to Prostate Ultrasound
📍 Mesenteric _ Porto-Hepatic Duplex Sonography
📍 Normal Liver, Gallbladder, Biliary Tree _ Spleen Sonography
📍 Renal Ultrasound Imaging
📍 Scrotal Ultrasound
📍 Shock _ Hypotension in Children – RUSH Protocol
📍 Thyroid Pathology _ Ultrasound-Guided Intervention
📍 Trauma Ultrasound for the Sonographer
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Liver, Gallbladder _ Biliary Tree Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Appendix _ GI Tract
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Pancreas
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Thyroid
📍 Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics

Abdominal Ultrasound
📍 Abdominal and Pelvic Anatomy and Vasculature
📍 The Gallbladder Putting the Pieces Together
📍 Trauma Ultrasound

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Ultrasound

📍 ABC’s Sonography in Shock and Sepsis
📍 Advanced Ultrasound-Guided Procedures Soft Tissue and MSK Applications
📍 Assessment of Hydration Status and Fluid Responsiveness
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series Cardiomyopathies
📍 Doppler and Color Flow Imaging Fundamentals for Point of Care Applications
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Cardiac Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Pericardial Disease and Cardiac Masses
📍 Regional Anesthesia for Emergency Medicine Applications
📍 Sonography of the Acute Scrotum
📍 Thoracic Ultrasound Basic and Advanced Techniques
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Diastolic Function
📍 Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Vascular Access
📍 Abdominal Scanning Fundamentals
📍 COVID-19- General Principles and Ultrasound Applications
📍 Echo Evaluation of Pericardial Effusion
📍 Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST)
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Imaging Fundamentals
📍 Rapid Ultrasound for Shock & Hypotension
📍 Thoracic Ultrasound- Basic and Advanced Techniques
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Abdominal Aorta
📍 Ultrasound Guided Emergency and Critical Care Procedures
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 1- The Fundamentals
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 2- Ultrasound Guided Centra line placemnt
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 3 Ultrasound Guided Periperal Line placemnts
📍 Venous Ultrasound for Point of Care

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 2
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Vascular Ultrasound

📍 Carotid Case Studies
📍 Carotid Stenosis Assessment
📍 Duplex Evaluation of Aneurysm, Pseudo-aneurysms _ Evaluation of Arterial Bypass Grafts
📍 Introduction to Lower Extremity Arterial Testing
📍 Introduction to Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Transplant Sonography
📍 Mesenteric _ Porto-Hepatic Duplex Sonography
📍 Normal Carotid Duplex Examination
📍 Reducing Your Risk for Occupational Injury Part 1 and 2
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation for Calf Vein Imaging
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Aortic Endografts
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Dialysis Access Grafts _ Fistula
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Intima-Media Thickness
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Renal Artery Stenosis
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Abdominal Aorta
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Lower Extremity Venous System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Arterial System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Venous System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency _ Preoperative Vascular Mapping
📍 Venous Ultrasound for Point-of-Care

Gynecology and Obstetric Ultrasound
📍 2nd _ 3rd Trimesters Fetal Age AssessmentMeasurements, Ultrasound of Fetal Brain
📍 Doppler Evaluation of the Fetal Heart
📍 Fetal Abdominal Abnormalities
📍 Fetal Anomalies
📍 Fetal Heart Case Studies
📍 Fetal Heart Screening
📍 First Trimester OB Reproductive Physiology, Measurements, Pathology
📍 Genetic Screening in the First _ Second Trimester
📍 GYN Anatomy _ PhysiologyCongenital Abnormalities
📍 GYN Pathology Adnexal
📍 GYN Pathology Ovarian
📍 GYN Pathology Uterine
📍 Interesting OB Case Studies
📍 Introduction to OB Sonography – The First Trimester
📍 OB Doppler – How, Why _ When
📍 OB Fetal Survey – The Second _ Third Trimester
📍 Obstetrical Case Studies
📍 Procedures and Infertility
📍 Transabdominal _ Transvaginal Exam Protocols
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid, Multiple Gestations, Maternal Complications, Fetal Complications, and 3D Ultrasound
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Face and Neck, Placenta and Umbilical Cord
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Heart, Genitourinary Tract, Abdominal Wall, and GI Tract
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Spine, MSK, Chromosomal Disorders _ Syndromes, Chest

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 3
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Adult Echocardiography

📍 3D Echo – A Simplified Approach
📍 Arrhythmias & EKG – What the Echocardiographer Needs to Know
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series – Cardiac Masses
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series – Cardiomyopathies
📍 Cardiac Hemodynamics
📍 Contrast Echocardiography
📍 Doppler Evaluation of Mitral & Aortic Valve Disease
📍 Echo Update – ASE Chamber Quantification Guidelines
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiomyopathies
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Diastolic Function
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Mitral & Aortic Valve
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Pericardial Effusions & Cardiac Masses
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Right Heart Disease
📍 Focused Cardiac Assessment for the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Interesting Cardiac Case Studies
📍 Introduction to 2D, M-Mode Adult Echocardiography
📍 Introduction to Cardiac Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Transesophageal Echocardiography
📍 Stress Echocardiography
📍 The Athlete’s Heart & Sudden Cardiac Death
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Heart Failure
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Heart Failure & Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony
📍 Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics

Thyroid Ultrasound
📍 Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics
📍 Thyroid Pathology and Ultrasound-Guided Intervention
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Thyroid

Regional Anesthesia ULtraSound
📍 Indications & Applications for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Upper Extremity Nerve Block
📍 Scanning Demonstration Brachioplexus, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary, Musculotendinous, Sciatic Nerves
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
📍 Advanced Peripheral Nerve Applications – Diagnosis _ Treatment Options
📍 Advanced Ultrasound Techniques for the Foot _ Ankle
📍 Advanced Ultrasound-Guided Procedures for Rehabilitation Medicine
📍 Bone Marrow _ Lipoaspirate – General Principles _ Practical Applications
📍 Dynamic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging
📍 Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Protocols
📍 MSK Imaging Fundementals & soft tissue
📍 MSK Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Evaluation of Tumors _ Masses
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Postoperative Applications
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Entrapment
📍 PRP – General Principles _ Practical Applications
📍 Soft-Tissue _ MSK Sonography in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Elbow Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Knee Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerve Entrapment
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Shoulder Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Snapping Tendons _ Joints
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Foot _ Ankle
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hand _ Wrist
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Normal Elbow
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Normal Knee
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Shoulder
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Spine _ Injection Techniques Part 1
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Spine _ Injection Techniques Part 2
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Injections in Musculoskeletal Medicine
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Injection Techniques
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Injections in an MSK Practice
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Prolotherapy – General Principles
📍 Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Protocols
📍 Use of Ultrasound in Rheumatology Applications

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 4
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound
📍 Advanced Thoracic Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Genitourinary Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Patient
📍 GI Tract Ultrasound in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Applications
📍 Head and Neck Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Patient
📍 Pediatric Abdominal Ultrasound Case Studies
📍 Pediatric Imaging Fundamentals- The Basics
📍 Scrotal Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Patient
📍 Shock and Hypotension in the Pediatric Patient- RUSH Protocol
📍 Soft Tissue and MSK Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of DVT
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in the Pediatric Patient


Gulfcoast: OB Doppler – How, Why and When?



OB Doppler: How, Why, and When? Training Video is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of indications and applications of Doppler and color flow imaging in the OB examination. Doppler/color techniques and system optimization, protocols, and diagnostic criteria are covered in detail.


  • Indications/Applications for Performing OB Doppler
  • Doppler Waveform Analysis and Diagnostic Criteria
  • Factors that affect the Doppler Assessment
  • Doppler Measurements; Doppler Index, Resistive Index, S/D Ratio, Pulsatility Index, Velocity Calculations
  • Doppler Evaluation of the Middle Cerebral Artery, Umbilical Artery, Ductus Venosus, Umbilical Vein, IVC, Hepatic Veins
  • Doppler Evaluation of the Pelvic Vessels: Uterine Artery
  • Doppler Evaluation with Multiple Gestation
  • Doppler Evaluation of Fetal Heart Arrhythmias
  • Scanning Tips and Technical Pitfalls


  • State Doppler protocols and criteria for evaluation of IUGR, SGA, and Anomalies in the fetus
  • Outline Doppler protocols for evaluation of Twins/Multiples: TOPS vs TAPS
  • List technical components for proper Doppler acquisition: Angle of insonation, angle correction, gate size and position
  • Analyze Doppler waveforms and apply Doppler Measurements: Doppler index, S/D Ratio, PI, RI, velocity calculations
  • Optimize color Doppler and analyze color flow characteristics
  • Describe normal and abnormal waveforms of: Ductus venosus, IVC/hepatic veins, middle cerebral artery, umbilical artery, umbilical vein and uterine artery
  • State protocols for Doppler evaluation of fetal heart arrhythmias


Physicians, sonographers and other medical professionals who are involved with performing and/or interpreting OB ultrasound examinations. Physician participants may include (but is not limited to): obstetricians, family/primary care.

Price : € 10


How to Buy

Thanks For Choosing WWW.BAHARMEDBOOK.COM .

for buying materials from WWW.BAHARMEDBOOK.COM , Follow the instructions :

Step 1 : Contact us :




WhatsApp : +98 9123309803

Step 2 : Send Material You Want to Buy

Step 3 : You Will Receieve Payment Invoice

Step 4 : After Payment confirmation , You will Receive Download Link .

Prices: contact us |
IF your course was not available in our archive, please request it via request form

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 1
Total 165 Lectures
Each Video course is like 40-50-60-70 Minutes
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Abdomen and Primary Care Ultrasound
📍 Abdominal Scanning Fundamentals
📍 Introduction to Prostate Ultrasound
📍 Mesenteric _ Porto-Hepatic Duplex Sonography
📍 Normal Liver, Gallbladder, Biliary Tree _ Spleen Sonography
📍 Renal Ultrasound Imaging
📍 Scrotal Ultrasound
📍 Shock _ Hypotension in Children – RUSH Protocol
📍 Thyroid Pathology _ Ultrasound-Guided Intervention
📍 Trauma Ultrasound for the Sonographer
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Liver, Gallbladder _ Biliary Tree Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Appendix _ GI Tract
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Pancreas
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Thyroid
📍 Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics

Abdominal Ultrasound
📍 Abdominal and Pelvic Anatomy and Vasculature
📍 The Gallbladder Putting the Pieces Together
📍 Trauma Ultrasound

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Ultrasound

📍 ABC’s Sonography in Shock and Sepsis
📍 Advanced Ultrasound-Guided Procedures Soft Tissue and MSK Applications
📍 Assessment of Hydration Status and Fluid Responsiveness
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series Cardiomyopathies
📍 Doppler and Color Flow Imaging Fundamentals for Point of Care Applications
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Cardiac Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Pericardial Disease and Cardiac Masses
📍 Regional Anesthesia for Emergency Medicine Applications
📍 Sonography of the Acute Scrotum
📍 Thoracic Ultrasound Basic and Advanced Techniques
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Diastolic Function
📍 Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Vascular Access
📍 Abdominal Scanning Fundamentals
📍 COVID-19- General Principles and Ultrasound Applications
📍 Echo Evaluation of Pericardial Effusion
📍 Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST)
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Imaging Fundamentals
📍 Rapid Ultrasound for Shock & Hypotension
📍 Thoracic Ultrasound- Basic and Advanced Techniques
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Abdominal Aorta
📍 Ultrasound Guided Emergency and Critical Care Procedures
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 1- The Fundamentals
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 2- Ultrasound Guided Centra line placemnt
📍 Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access-Part 3 Ultrasound Guided Periperal Line placemnts
📍 Venous Ultrasound for Point of Care

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 2
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Vascular Ultrasound

📍 Carotid Case Studies
📍 Carotid Stenosis Assessment
📍 Duplex Evaluation of Aneurysm, Pseudo-aneurysms _ Evaluation of Arterial Bypass Grafts
📍 Introduction to Lower Extremity Arterial Testing
📍 Introduction to Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Transplant Sonography
📍 Mesenteric _ Porto-Hepatic Duplex Sonography
📍 Normal Carotid Duplex Examination
📍 Reducing Your Risk for Occupational Injury Part 1 and 2
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation for Calf Vein Imaging
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Aortic Endografts
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Dialysis Access Grafts _ Fistula
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Intima-Media Thickness
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Renal Artery Stenosis
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Abdominal Aorta
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Lower Extremity Venous System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Arterial System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Venous System
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency _ Preoperative Vascular Mapping
📍 Venous Ultrasound for Point-of-Care

Gynecology and Obstetric Ultrasound
📍 2nd _ 3rd Trimesters Fetal Age AssessmentMeasurements, Ultrasound of Fetal Brain
📍 Doppler Evaluation of the Fetal Heart
📍 Fetal Abdominal Abnormalities
📍 Fetal Anomalies
📍 Fetal Heart Case Studies
📍 Fetal Heart Screening
📍 First Trimester OB Reproductive Physiology, Measurements, Pathology
📍 Genetic Screening in the First _ Second Trimester
📍 GYN Anatomy _ PhysiologyCongenital Abnormalities
📍 GYN Pathology Adnexal
📍 GYN Pathology Ovarian
📍 GYN Pathology Uterine
📍 Interesting OB Case Studies
📍 Introduction to OB Sonography – The First Trimester
📍 OB Doppler – How, Why _ When
📍 OB Fetal Survey – The Second _ Third Trimester
📍 Obstetrical Case Studies
📍 Procedures and Infertility
📍 Transabdominal _ Transvaginal Exam Protocols
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid, Multiple Gestations, Maternal Complications, Fetal Complications, and 3D Ultrasound
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Face and Neck, Placenta and Umbilical Cord
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Heart, Genitourinary Tract, Abdominal Wall, and GI Tract
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Fetal Spine, MSK, Chromosomal Disorders _ Syndromes, Chest

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 3
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Adult Echocardiography

📍 3D Echo – A Simplified Approach
📍 Arrhythmias & EKG – What the Echocardiographer Needs to Know
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series – Cardiac Masses
📍 Cardiac Case Study Series – Cardiomyopathies
📍 Cardiac Hemodynamics
📍 Contrast Echocardiography
📍 Doppler Evaluation of Mitral & Aortic Valve Disease
📍 Echo Update – ASE Chamber Quantification Guidelines
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiomyopathies
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Diastolic Function
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Mitral & Aortic Valve
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Pericardial Effusions & Cardiac Masses
📍 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Right Heart Disease
📍 Focused Cardiac Assessment for the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
📍 Interesting Cardiac Case Studies
📍 Introduction to 2D, M-Mode Adult Echocardiography
📍 Introduction to Cardiac Doppler Ultrasound
📍 Introduction to Transesophageal Echocardiography
📍 Stress Echocardiography
📍 The Athlete’s Heart & Sudden Cardiac Death
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Heart Failure
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Heart Failure & Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony
📍 Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics

Thyroid Ultrasound
📍 Imaging Fundamentals – The Basics
📍 Thyroid Pathology and Ultrasound-Guided Intervention
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Thyroid

Regional Anesthesia ULtraSound
📍 Indications & Applications for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Upper Extremity Nerve Block
📍 Scanning Demonstration Brachioplexus, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary, Musculotendinous, Sciatic Nerves
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
📍 Advanced Peripheral Nerve Applications – Diagnosis _ Treatment Options
📍 Advanced Ultrasound Techniques for the Foot _ Ankle
📍 Advanced Ultrasound-Guided Procedures for Rehabilitation Medicine
📍 Bone Marrow _ Lipoaspirate – General Principles _ Practical Applications
📍 Dynamic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging
📍 Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Protocols
📍 MSK Imaging Fundementals & soft tissue
📍 MSK Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Evaluation of Tumors _ Masses
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Postoperative Applications
📍 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Entrapment
📍 PRP – General Principles _ Practical Applications
📍 Soft-Tissue _ MSK Sonography in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Elbow Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Knee Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerve Entrapment
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Shoulder Pathology
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of Snapping Tendons _ Joints
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Foot _ Ankle
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hand _ Wrist
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Normal Elbow
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Normal Knee
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Shoulder
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Spine _ Injection Techniques Part 1
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Spine _ Injection Techniques Part 2
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Injections in Musculoskeletal Medicine
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Injection Techniques
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Injections in an MSK Practice
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Prolotherapy – General Principles
📍 Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Protocols
📍 Use of Ultrasound in Rheumatology Applications

👉 Gulfcoast: Ultrasound Video Courses – Part 4
One of The Best Courses in ULTRASOUND

Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound
📍 Advanced Thoracic Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Focused Genitourinary Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Patient
📍 GI Tract Ultrasound in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Applications
📍 Head and Neck Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Patient
📍 Pediatric Abdominal Ultrasound Case Studies
📍 Pediatric Imaging Fundamentals- The Basics
📍 Scrotal Ultrasound in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Patient
📍 Shock and Hypotension in the Pediatric Patient- RUSH Protocol
📍 Soft Tissue and MSK Ultrasound in the Pediatric Patient
📍 Ultrasound Evaluation of DVT
📍 Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in the Pediatric Patient


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